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Welcome to IIE Rosebank College. If you are a new student we would like to share some fast facts about IIE Rosebank College and confirm why you made the best decision by choosing to study with us.
Studying at IIE Rosebank College
Rosebank College Polokwane helps high school learners
The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE) Rosebank College Connected Campus in Polokwane is offering Saturday classes to help matric students improve their marks in Maths, Accounting, Maths Literacy and Physical Science.
13 August 2018
5 Min Read
Studying at IIE Rosebank College
Meet your campus principal: Pretoria CBD
Situated in the heart of Pretoria, also known as Tshwane, is our Rosebank College Pretoria CBD campus. Let's meet the principal Franco Da Silva.
03 August 2018
5 Min Read
Studying at IIE Rosebank College
Meet Your Campus Head: Bloemfontein
We are delighted to introduce Marjorie Tlali, the new Head of IIE Rosebank College Bloemfontein campus. She has a world of experience, and her passion for youth and education is sure to add value to our students. In this interview, we get to know her better.
21 May 2020
5 Min Read
Studying at IIE Rosebank College
Teaching And Learning In The New Norm
Online learning has fantastic benefits for learners and educators. On the 5th of October each year, we celebrate World Teachers Day. Being an education provider ourselves, we witness the sweat and tears that teaching staff invest in their students daily. The passion for empowering and the vision to see students succeed beyond the classroom is what our educators strive for.
11 February 2021
10 Min Read
Studying at IIE Rosebank College
The difference between an IIE Rosebank College face to face and blended learning campus
Since the first IIE Rosebank College blended learning campus was launched in 2016, IIE Rosebank College has opened an additional three blended learning campuses.
08 January 2020
5 Min Read
Studying at IIE Rosebank College
What makes IIE Rosebank College cool?
Rosebank College, an educational brand of The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE) was once again voted the coolest college in South Africa at the 15th Sunday Times Next Gen Awards, hosted in Sandton on 13 June 2019. This is the third consecutive year that IIE Rosebank College has maintained the top position in the survey conducted by HDI Youth Consultancy, which polls South African youths between the ages of 8 and 23 on what they find on-trend and aspirational.
21 June 2019
5 Min Read
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