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087 109 182808 January 2020
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Since the first IIE Rosebank College blended learning campus was launched in 2016, IIE Rosebank College has opened an additional three blended learning campuses.
Since the first IIE Rosebank College blended learning campus was launched in 2016, IIE Rosebank College has opened an additional three blended learning campuses. The fourth blended learning campus in Port Elizabeth is currently open for registration and looks forward to welcoming its first student cohort in February 2020. Blended learning is a combination of traditional classroom-based learning and student driven learning that takes place online.
Our face to face campuses can be found in Pretoria Sunnyside, Pretoria CBD, Durban, Braamfontein and Cape Town. Our blended learning campuses are situated in Pietermaritzburg, Bloemfontein, Polokwane and Port Elizabeth. The different types of campuses were established to allow students of all types the opportunity to further their education. For example, our blended learning campuses are affordable and use a combination of online and traditional teaching methods. Textbooks are also included in the fee.
Differences between a face to face and blended learning campus
The main difference between our IIE Rosebank College Campus types is the teaching model with a different proportion of face to face teaching vs. independent online engagement.
"The IIE's Rosebank College recognises that higher education has a responsibility to support the growing trend toward blended learning in order to serve a connected youth population and to make education more accessible. With this is mind, our IIE Rosebank College blended learning campuses harness technology to promote collaboration and enhance the experience in the classroom," adds Greg Fillmore, Managing Director of IIE Rosebank College.
Our three-phase teaching model used on our blended learning campuses
This approach includes three distinct stages of teaching. Phase one includes a timetabled preparation session. Phase two refers to student self-study where students complete specifically created activities on our Learning Management System (LMS) and lecturers monitor students' online activity digitally. The final stage refers to timetabled feedback sessions which cover material that students struggled with during phase two. All content that is taught is available on RC Learn which is the Learner Management System (LSM) unique to Rosebank College. To support the teaching and learning experience, students have access to eBooks and online databases.
Whether you choose to attend our face to face or blended learning campus, you can rest assured that you will receive quality education at a competitive price that makes you employable.
Deciding which campus suits you should be based on your preferred learning style and location.
Written by Karabo Keepile