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Student life
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International Certifications
Student Account Queries
087 109 1828About
Student life
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International Certifications
Student Account Queries
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Graduating from tertiary not only represents the end of a chapter in your life but also the
beginning of a world of possibilities. It can be an overwhelming experience having a task of job hunting after graduation or way after you have graduated.
Looking to start a new job, but still feel swamped with the many job sites available? Don't know the right job site to search for a job in? its ok, we have got you covered. Below is a list of job boards in South Africa you can check out:
Pnet | Best Jobs | Career Jet | Job Mail | Indeed | Job Space | Puff & Pass | Career Junction | Info Desk
If you need more assistance on drafting your cv, interview tips, and career coaching sessions kindly send an email to alumni@rosebankollege.co.za or LoveMyFuture@rosebankcollege.co.za. For IIE Rosebank College vacancies visit Jobs at Rosebank College (simplify.hr).
Working and studying in Bloemfontein
Completing matric is one of the most significant milestones in one’s life, just like moving away from home in pursuit of greener pastures. Once you have completed matric, there are several things you need to consider when choosing an accommodation provide
23 January 2023
5 Min Read
Red flags to look out for during a job search
It is important to note that a red flag is a cautionary warning to look out for to avoid possible danger.
08 November 2021
5 Min Read
Know your Human Rights
South Africa observes Human Rights Day on 21 March.
16 March 2022
2 Min Read
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